Karen's home, so we had our family Saturday ritual to uphold--Judge Bean's BBQ for lunch. So, that meant I had to get my first taper run in early. Alas, I got a late start. I was procrastinating in the hopes that the temperatures would warm up. They did finally, and I got out on the road at about 9 AM. I used a nifty pacing function on my Garmin 201 for my first 10K or so. It worked great and my legs were in much better shape than yesterday--everything but the IT band inflamation cleared up overnight. I had to cut the run a few miles short to get ready for lunch, but all in all, I was pleased. I'm still not convinced I am in shape to go 26.2. But at this stage, that's just tough.
Tonight, I will go out for a couple miles of walking, just to keep my muscles from tightening up. Tomorrow is the Lord's Day. So, after church we'll enjoy a great Sabbath rest as a family--and my body will relish the recovery time. By Monday, I'll be in full taper. I'm really getting close!
Thanks to the generosity of Wes, Bill and Robin, Scott, David, and Robbie, I have crossed over the 90% threshold for my fundraising goal. I'm getting so close on that front too! It is not too late to sponsor me. Just go to my st. jude sponsor site and help me raise funds necessary for the vital life-saving work of St. Jude Children's Hospital.