Saturday, October 19

Wary of the Traffic

This past Wednesday morning while running in Birmingham, I was very nearly hit by a a speeding car. It swerved around a corner and zoomed toward me in the pedestrian crossing. I was somehow able to lunge to the side of the road before stumbling over the curb and going down hard. 

I've got a few nasty scrapes. And, I'm sore all over. My shoulder is particularly achy several days later. But, other than that, I count myself very fortunate.

You hear about stuff like this all the time. Thankfully, I'm back out on the roads--I've lost a couple of days of my scheduled training for the St. Jude Marathon and I'm no where near where I need to be on my long runs (my shoulder starts really hurting at about mile 4, so I am curtailing the length of my workouts for the time being).

You can be sure though: I will be far more wary than I ever have been before this brush with disaster.