I am pretty sure that "race" is not the right word to describe what it was that I did early this Independence Day morning. Indeed, even "running" might be a stretch. Despite that fact, the Firecracker 5K was a lot of fun--as always. The cooler-than-normal temperatures, the overcast skies, and the throngs of friends and neighbors, made the annual fun run in Brentwood's Maryland Farms a delightful way to spend the morning.

I have not been able to run much during the past couple of months due to my busy schedule, constant travel, and native indolence, so this was a great "appetite stimulator" for me. My friend John Scherrer and I both resolved to train more over the course of the rest of the summer. As he said after we crossed the finish line, caught our breath, and quenched our thirst, "I need to get in shape so I can die healthy." Amen!