Wednesday, June 21
On the Road
I am currently on the road--attending a couple of conventions. As a result my training has to be squeezed around meeitngs and strange schedules. Nevertheless, I find that when I am on the road I am actually able to get in more and better workouts than I sometimes can at home. There are the great workout rooms at the hotels. There is the ability to slip away at strange times to get in a run.
After the RC-Moon Pie race, I thought I would be sore. That's me in the photo, dragging myself across the finish line. In fact though, the raceleft me feeling great--and ready for more. So, I got in a nice three-mile treadmill run on Sunday after church. Then, I was able to do two good three-mile runs on Monday--one in the morning and one in the evening. In addition, I was able to ride a bike about ten miles and do a complete weight room workout. Then yesterday, I took off down Atlanta's famed Peachtree Street for a nice easy three-miler.