Sunday, December 2
Congrats to Matt and Leah
Monday, November 26
St. Jude Marathon
Friday, November 16
Constant Assiduities
"It is by dint of steady labor; it is by giving enough of application to the work, and having enough of the time for the doing of it; it is by regular painstaking and the constant assiduities; it is by these, and not by any process of legerdemain, that we secure the strength and staple of real excellence." Thomas Chalmers
"It is not by irregular efforts that any great practical achievement is overtaken. It is by the constant recurrence and repetition of small efforts directed to a given object, and resolutely sustained and persevered in." Thomas Chalmers
"It is not by irregular efforts that any great practical achievement is overtaken. It is by the constant recurrence and repetition of small efforts directed to a given object, and resolutely sustained and persevered in." Thomas Chalmers
Saturday, November 10
Wednesday, November 7
King's Meadow Endurance Team
King's Meadow Study Center is a covenantal community of Reformed Christian thinkers, writers, artists, teachers, students, activists, and friends endeavoring to facilitate Gospel faithfulness and Word and Deed effectiveness in their own lives, families, and communities. In the coming months, we are seeking state approval for an expansion of our work to include a full-fledged collegiate program. Serving as a missional extension of Christ’s church to cultivate knowledgeable, wise and faithful servants of God, our mission is to provide the best in liberal arts education under the Lordship of Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures.
Obviously, this is a large undertaking and it will require substantial resources. But, we don't simply want to ask our friends for donations, we want to demonstrate our willingness to "go the extra mile" in a well-rounded pursuit of beauty, goodness, and truth. So, won't you join us in this endeavor? Please, pledge today.
Monday, November 5
Speaking of determined, how about Lance Armstrong! He finished the marathon again this year under 3 hours. Amazing!
Saturday, October 13
Monday, October 8
Discretion and Valor
This should be a great reminder to all of us to pay attention to our bodies, to run smart, and to never allow our goals to get in the way of our common sense. If I'd been in Chicago, I hope that I would have had the wisdom to stop running when I began to seriously overheat--as I most assuredly would have. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
Thursday, October 4
Tuesday, October 2
Run, Spot, Run
I do love my dogs. I do love running with my dogs. And I am typically a sucker for any kind of running gear. But, this assortment of doggie running gear is a little over the top--even for me.
Monday, September 17
Sunday, September 16
Wednesday, September 5
Monday, September 3
Hot Dog
Still recovering from a recent "mystery" illness that has kept me lethargic and achy for the past three weeks, I was not about to miss the Franklin Classic today. I love this race. I love running through downtown Franklin. I love the fact that the starting line is a block from my office. I love the cause--supporting Mercy Children's Clinic. I love seeing so many friends and neighbors come together for a great community event. Just about the only thing I don't like is getting beaten by the local Sonic hot dog!
Oh well, I was out there in the torrid heat, terrible humidity, and toiling humanity. And yes, the hot dog beat me again! If I had run my best time ever, he would have still beaten me (and I was a long way off my best time). I had fun regardless.
Tuesday, August 7
Wednesday, August 1
Cross-Training and Tempo Runs
This past week I started training for the Uttermost (October 11,12, and 13) in earnest. I slogged through some cross-training (a couple of hot, long bike rides) and some tempo runs (admittedly pitiful now, but hopefully they'll pay off come October). It is so hot, even early in the morning, that I am having to go a lot slower and accumulate far fewer miles than I had hoped. And as if that were not enough, my iPod's Nike+ died--just a few miles shy of the 1,000 mile mark. Oh well, I've actually enjoyed running with nothing at all but my watch. It's been great to get going again after a long semi-lay-off since the Country Music Marathon at the end of April.
Tuesday, July 24
Saturday, July 14
St. Jude Marathon
I've signed up for the St. Jude Marathon for the fourth year in a row. I've also committed to raise at least $1000 for the work of the St. Jude Children's Hospital. To learn more about how you can help in this life-saving work, visit my online support page at the St. Jude site. .
Friday, July 6
Thursday, July 5
Cracking the Code
OK. So, I posted this on my other blog, but it is too good not to post here too:
Leave it to the French to crack the code of the vast right wing conspiracy. It seems that the new French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has fallen afoul of the press for--OK, get this--keeping in shape. Yep, that's right. He has had the audacity to continue to go for a run every morning even though he is now the official occupant of the Elysée Palace. Gasp! And, as we all should know, the French Press informs us, running is "un-French, right-wing and even a ploy to brainwash his citizens."
No really. I am not making this up. Le running du Président, especially when clad in his favourite NYPD T-shirt, has become "a national affront." That's what all the Left Bank intellectuals are tsk, tsk, tsking about these days. British commentator Boris Johnson finds the whole affair a good reason to actually like what's happening in France for the first time in a very long time.
Leave it to the French to crack the code of the vast right wing conspiracy. It seems that the new French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has fallen afoul of the press for--OK, get this--keeping in shape. Yep, that's right. He has had the audacity to continue to go for a run every morning even though he is now the official occupant of the Elysée Palace. Gasp! And, as we all should know, the French Press informs us, running is "un-French, right-wing and even a ploy to brainwash his citizens."
No really. I am not making this up. Le running du Président, especially when clad in his favourite NYPD T-shirt, has become "a national affront." That's what all the Left Bank intellectuals are tsk, tsk, tsking about these days. British commentator Boris Johnson finds the whole affair a good reason to actually like what's happening in France for the first time in a very long time.
Wednesday, June 27
Saturday, June 16
Dragging Across
Well, thanks to my friend Dave Minnigan, I actually made it in to the finish line in downtown Bell Buckle this morning. But, he practically had to drag me. My allergies or cold or whatever this lingering sickness is, combined with general fatigue from three weeks of constant travel, added to a lack of training during the past two months made for a rather ugly race. I walked a lot. Dave walked with me, bless him!
I have to say, despite really laboring physically and a time twenty minutes slower than I've ever gone in this race, I still had fun. Being with Dave was great. The atmosphere is always a hoot. And the weather was glorious--yes, it was warm, but the breeze was pretty constant.
I've already made reservations for next year at the Mingle House B&B where Karen and I stay every year.
I have to say, despite really laboring physically and a time twenty minutes slower than I've ever gone in this race, I still had fun. Being with Dave was great. The atmosphere is always a hoot. And the weather was glorious--yes, it was warm, but the breeze was pretty constant.
I've already made reservations for next year at the Mingle House B&B where Karen and I stay every year.
Tuesday, June 12
Moon Pie-RC
This is a really spectacular event--the sort of thing that could only happen in the small town South. You see, in the rolling hills of middle Tennessee lies the tiny town of Bell Buckle and on the third Saturday in June two Southern traditions, RC Colas and Moon Pies, are brought together for a grand celebration
The historic old railroad town (population 405) has been known for antiques, arts and crafts, and great food for a number of years. But in 1994, the Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce began looking for new ideas to increase foot traffic during the summer months. The concept for the Festival first began as a way to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Moon Pie. Little could anyone have expected what a huge event this would become--more than 15,000 people now attend annually!
And the Festival actually begins with the 10 Mile Run. Attracting over 1,000 runners, the course is a stunningly beautiful jaunt through the hills and fields surrounding the town.
I've been on the road and haven't had much of a chance to train properly for the tough hills (especially for that doozie at mile four). That's only compounded by the fact that I had the post-marathon blues during the first couple of weeks of May, exams and end-of-the-academic year stuff the next couple of weeks, and then an overseas trip during which I caught a cold. But, that is neither here nor there when it comes to this race. I am looking forward to running it no matter what. It is just so much fun!
Saturday, May 26
Running in London
Running in the city of London is always a fun challenge. But this next week, during my annual trip to that great city, I will be staying just a block away from the beautiful Regent's Park where running trails abound. I will enjoy the time with my students and the opportunity to run in a whole new environment.
Monday, May 21
The U10K Race Route promises a memorable run past downtown Nashville's many wonderful historic and cultural sites--as well as some of the city's newest architectural icons, flourishing urban neighborhoods, and the Titans' LP Field--with a start and finish at the Public Square Park in front of the recently-refurbished historic downtown Courthouse.
My plan is to run slow, slow, slow with several students and friends--just to enjoy the run, support the Design Centery, and relish the blossoming of a lively downtown Nashville renewal. I'm just not ready to run fast again after my all-out marathon effort. Hopefully, my trip to England next week will provide me with the respite necessary to start training in earnest again.
Thursday, May 10
Recovered Chip Time
At long, long last the good folks at Elite Racing have recovered my time from the Country Music Marathon. It is official. I had a huge PR (Personal Record). But no BQ (Boston Qualifier).
My chip time was 3:37:01, my clock time was 3:42:26. My average mile split was 8:17. That placed me 390th out of 4797 finishers and 17th of 234 in my age division.
That means I beat my previous best time for a marathon by 22 minutes--for which I am very grateful and quite delighted. It also means that I just missed qualifying for the Boston Marathon by 2 minutes and 1 second! Oy veh!
My chip time was 3:37:01, my clock time was 3:42:26. My average mile split was 8:17. That placed me 390th out of 4797 finishers and 17th of 234 in my age division.
That means I beat my previous best time for a marathon by 22 minutes--for which I am very grateful and quite delighted. It also means that I just missed qualifying for the Boston Marathon by 2 minutes and 1 second! Oy veh!
Monday, May 7
Both Tortoise and Hare
A fascinating article in the New York Times cites new studies that seem to confirm the value of the Galloway method--and other like-minded variable speed plans. Of course, being both tortoise and hare at the same time, in the same workout, is no problem for me; I've been alternating short bursts of high-intensity runs with easy-does-it recovery walks even since I took up running three years ago; just witness my workout this morning!
Wednesday, May 2
On the Road Again
My first day back to running after the marathon was a total delight. I was sorely missing my run route, my after run routine, and my all-day sense of refreshment that inevitably follows a good morning run. I think I've become a hopeless "lifer." I did just under 4 miles, but man, oh man, did it ever feel great.
Friday, April 27
Thursday, April 26
Two Days to Go
Wednesday, April 25
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Former Tennessee Titan Eddie George is running in this year's Country Music Half Marathon. The fan favorite and all-time franchise rushing leader, who ran for 10,441 yards in his NFL career, will attempt to complete the 13.1 mile race this year, the marathon next year, and eventually to qualify for the Boston Marathon by 2009. According to a story in today's Tennessean, Nashville's daily newspaper, Eddie has trained well and is up to the challenge. This is gonna be fun!
Three Days to Go
My final short run this morning, was a nice little tune up. It was very humid and about 64 degrees. Hopefully, Saturday will be somewhat cooler, otherwise we're all going to be laboring to stay hydrated. My ankle feels a bit better--but still not 100%. Overall, I'm feeling great and looking forward to the Expo tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 24
30 Thousand!
The surging popularity of the Country Music Half Marathon this year will swell Saturday's crowd to a total of more than 30,000 runners according to a report from today's Tennessean, Nashville's daily newspaper. Registration was capped at 20,000 for the half marathon--add to that about 10,000 who have registered for the full marathon. Wow! There may very well be a whole, whole lot of weaving and navigating through a dense pack for the first 12 miles or so. Amazing!
Four Days to Go
Monday, April 23
Five Days to Go
Sunday, April 22
Six Days to Go
I've pretty much settled on all my gear choices except those special items having to do with weather oddities. Hopefully, there won't be any weather oddities--though thundershowers and heat are both likely to play into the race at some point--this is Tennessee in April after all.
At this point I really do feel good. My training is done. And now it is just a matter of getting good rest and some good carbs this week.
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